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Shared Spaces/Shared Place: the UD Green

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The Green at the University of Delaware promotes the ideals of democracy and community that Thomas Jefferson set out to express in his design of the lawn at the University of Virginia. The UD Green today is only slightly modified from its original design, which was created in 1928.
At different times throughout each day, the musical sounds of Delaware,  My Delaware, America and the UD Fight Song can be heard across the central part of campus and Newark. This music announces and celebrates our joint allegiance to one another.  The brick walkways that cross the campus are another unifying device that connects people to one another and creates a sense of place.
The Green is used for many important community functions including Newark Community Day, University of Delaware award ceremonies, and political rallies.  Students and residents alike enjoy this feature of Newark. 
Source of information: 
Delaware Postcard Collection/Digital Collections/Special Collections/University of Delaware Library
Delaware Postcard Collection/Digital Collections/Special Collections/University of Delaware Library
Links to Additional Materials: 
The University of Delaware Homepage:
University Student Centers:
UD video files: